Your Zinc Electroplating Specialist
Holly Plating Company is a leading provider of Zinc Electroplating (also known as Zinc Plating) services to metallic producing and fabricating manufactures.
Holly Plating Company began operations in 1969 and has been plating products for automotive, industrial, home appliance, heavy truck, construction, and off road industries.


Zinc is a popular choice for industrial plating due to its excellent corrosion protection properties and the fact that it is relatively inexpensive. The use of passivation treatments or the alloying of zinc with other metals such as nickel, cobalt, or iron can enhance zinc's corrosion resistance.
Zinc plating can be used with virtually any type of metal, but is most frequently applied to iron or steel surfaces. Typical zinc electroplating applications include coating nuts, bolts, washers and various automotive parts.
Rack Plating

Barrel Plating




ZINC Plating Benefits
Zinc is compatible with various plating bath chemistries, making it one of the more versatile metals for electroplating purposes. Zinc is also amenable to both rack plating and barrel plating processes and HPC has the capability to plate with either!
Zinc coatings offer more than excellent protection against corrosion. Other key reasons to choose zinc plating include:
Low cost — Because zinc can be found in abundance, it is viewed as a more cost-effective plating process than when using precious metals such as gold or palladium. This makes zinc plating a preferred choice for any company that is keeping a close eye on expenditures.
Increased strength — Although zinc is a relatively lightweight metal, a zinc coating can increase the strength of the substrate.
Low-stress deposit — Applying a zinc coating will not place an undue amount of stress on a metal part or component.
Flexibility — Zinc is compatible for use in a wide range of bath chemistries, providing greater flexibility for customizing the plating outcome. Zinc is also amenable to both rack and barrel plating processes.
Ductility — Zinc is an extremely ductile metal, meaning it can be stretched into long, thin strands without breaking. This makes zinc easy to contour to the shape of the underlying substrate.
High temperature tolerance — Zinc is capable of tolerating temperatures of up to 120° F, which can help lower cooling costs.
Control of hydrogen embrittlement — Zinc coatings are less susceptible to the development of hydrogen embrittlement, a condition where metal becomes brittle due to the diffusion of hydrogen in the surface. However, appropriate hydrogen embrittlement relief procedures should be implemented with plating of high-strength metal fasteners.
Friendly to the environment — Zinc plating is considered to be a relatively eco-friendly process, especially when compared to its cadmium counterpart. Zinc also offers the advantage of recyclability.
Aesthetic appeal — Zinc plating can improve the appearance of an iron or steel part or component. The introduction of colors during post-treatment can also help you customize the look of the finished product.